Monday, January 4, 2021

Week 1, Lesson #2 - The Key to Leadership: Priorities

Lesson #2 - The Key to Leadership:  Priorities

Question #1 What would it mean for you to work smarter rather than harder? Pick an area where you have already tried hard work as the solution and have not succeeded? 

Question #2 There are daily priorities (routines, checks, running calls, etc.) during your shift at the fire stations, what priorities should you consider as a leader toward your crews or people around you? 

Please answer questions and respond to other posts! 

Week 1, Lesson #1 - The Definition of Leadership: Influence

Lesson #1 - The Definition of Leadership: Influence

Question #1 Identify person/s that have influenced you in your life? What traits from them would you like to adopt as you grow in leadership? 

Question #2 Based on what you've learned in this lesson, how do you need to change? What concrete, measurable step can you take this week to grow in the area of influencing others? 

Please answer both questions and respond to other posts!